Not ready for a full digital marketing program or not sure where to start? Looking to pitch a search engine marketing campaign to your boss but not sure what to budget? We offer a free analysis of your current marketing performance in SEO, PPC (pay-per-click), social media marketing and more. A free SEO analysis will determine how much effort may be involved in growing your SEO footprint, helping your team plan and budget accordingly. Complete the form below to get a sample analysis of your website:
What is an SEO Analysis?
An SEO analysis starts with reviewing your website’s visibility in search engines and including a review of a few top competitors in Google search engine results. We look at how well you’re attracting searches through optimized web page content. Is your website gaining ground in search engines or losing market share to competitors? Is your company in a growing industry or does it have a declining product line? How competitive are the keywords you’re trying to optimize?
- Free SEO Performance Analysis – How well are you optimized for organic search growth? What plan makes the most sense for your business?
- Google Penguin or Panda Impact – Has your site been impacted by Google Panda or Penguin updates? We can help you determine the right course of action.
- Social Media Review – What opportunities exist to grow your brand in social? Are you engaging potential customers?
- Digital Advertising – Are you using all channels to your advantage? Are you optimized for best results?
- User Experience – Are you creating a positive shopping experience?